Monday, November 9, 2009

Significant Events

Monday, November 16

Muslim Student Gathering

2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Bernhard Center Room 204
Members of the Muslim Student Association will host a cultural display and show videos of the group’s events to increase understanding of Muslim culture. Free.

Tuesday, November 17
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Bernhard Center Room 204
Members of OneVoice, an international grassroots organization working toward a two-state solution guaranteeing an end to the violence in Israel and Palestine, will host a presentation and question/answer session about their work. Free

"Arwa AbdelRahman is a OneVoice Youth Leader in Palestine. She was born in Beirut, and spent parts of her life in Jordan and Tunisia before moving to Ramallah in 1996. She holds a B.A. in Radio and Television Broadcasting from Birzeit University and a Master's Degree in Internationalization and Communication from the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Italy. She is currently the Executive Director of Young Entrepreneurs – Palestine (YEP), which supports young business leaders to develop their ideas and helps facilitate grants to establish or sustain small and medium enterprises in Palestine. Prior to that, she began her career as a news and documentary films producer, in which she previously worked for Ramattan News Agency and Link Productions. In 2004, Arwa was introduced to OneVoice through friends, and but was not a true believer until 2006. When One Voice launched their bold campaign “What Are You Willing to Do to End the Conflict?” she felt touched deeply by the title, believing that every individual can make a difference in his life instead of merely focusing on the actions of the other side. She has supported OneVoice as it embarks on another bold initiative: Town Hall Meetings which work to break taboos in both Israeli and Palestinian society.

Guy is a OneVoice Youth Leader from Tel Aviv. He is currently pursuing a B.Sc. degree in Information Systems Engineering from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva. Guy works as a multidisciplinary systems analyst, webmaster, and IT consultant. Guy decided to join OneVoice because he believes it has the power to bring a real change, since its message appeals to the wide public, from right-wing to left-wing, thus allowing even the national right to confront misconceptions in issues about the conflict. Guy has been a prominent and highly active Youth Leader in OneVoice for the past two years, where he currently heads both the Ben Gurion University and the Alumni chapters. Guy has initiated and conducted numerous OneVoice Town Hall Meetings in Beer-Sheva and the surrounding towns and has brought the OneVoice message to major cultural events and festivals in Beer-Sheva to reach the man on the street as well as the student on campus."

(Cited from an attachment titled "Speaker Biographies midwest 2009" in an e-mail I received on 11-9-2009, from Alyssa Ross of the onevoice movement)

1 comment:

  1. -I was able to attend the MSA dinner. I was surprised at all the Arabic food that I have never seen before. I think because MSA consists of mostly Saudi students, the food was mostly Saudi; I guess Lebanese Arabic cuisine is slightly different.
    -I also got a free Quran!
