Monday, September 21, 2009

Brief Response to YouTube Documentary

-In the start of the documentary The History of Palestine Douglas Dicks, a speaker of the Catholic Relief Services, says, "the number one myth that westerners have about this conflict is that Arabs and Jews have been fighting for thousands of years." I'm surprised by this statement, since I thought that the Palestine/Israel conflict started during World War II with the migration of persecuted Jews to Palestine.
-I have been curious about why the Gaza Strip and The West Bank are in rather opposite "corners" of Israel and why the territories are not just right by each other or rather one large territory. The film explains that the country was divided, by the U.N., depending on the regions of fertile soil in 1947.
-Although the film clip provides facts on the conflict and its history that are significant in understanding the background to the current problems, it is dramatized through the background music/sounds, making it come across as bias. All documentaries have control over their message through the documentarist's choice in what is being filmed and edited. I would have preferred to see this clip without the music; I feel that the docu. could be more credible without it.
-Some of the comments left underneath the clip are very disturbing. I almost wish YouTube would get rid of that feature or have a button where the people making these comments can be reported.
-I would have been interested to see more recent events, such as the creation of the Wall/"security fence." This National Geographic clip provides an accurate picture of the situation today though, I think.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the video on the wall that you directed us to and I agree that it was powerful and current. The pictures are astonishing. The one of the kids playing on top of the wall I found heartbreaking somehow.
